Wednesday, December 17, 2008

1. Ecology comprises the study of the interconnections and interdependencies among living things and their environments. Habitat is where an organism lives. A group of similar species living in a particular habitat make up a population. A community is made up of all the populations of organisms living and interacting with each other in a particular habitat. As people have a great ability to alter the balance of ecosystems, they must consider the effects of their actions. Ecosystem concerns the individual organism, the populations, the entire communities, the management and conservation of habitats, and the consequences and control of pollution.
2. The organisms found in a certain region usually adapt to the surrounding physical factors. A good knowledge of these factors is necessary in the understanding the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment. The factors are:

In extreme cold temperature, animals have thick fur coat to shelter them from the cold. Some hibernate or migrate to warmer temperature areas. A lizard which is a ‘cold-blooded’ organism relies on the energy exchange between it and its environment to regulate its body temperature.
The camels have hump/s that store fats and water for survival in the desert. Cactus has spikes and fleshy stem to stamp out moisture loss.

Water is essential to survival. The availability of water determines the number and location of plants and animals. Aquatic animals like ducks have webbed feet to move in the water, fish have gills to breathe in water and plants like lotus have waxed leaves to float on water.
Evergreen forests and abundant fauna are found in tropical areas with rainfall throughout the year. However, grasslands are found in areas with low rainfall in winter and heavy in summer. Many animal species are also found in tropical jungle compared to desert land which has few surviving animals.

Controlled by the average temperature and amount of rainfall has an effect on what can grow and its rate of growth. In areas where there is little water and high temperature (eg desert), few animals and plants can survive. Desert organisms have to adapt themselves to the harsh condition by having special physical features, eg water storing mechanism. The lower the temperature the number of species that can grow in an area decreases. The same can be said if there are extreme highs in temperature and low in rainfall.

Moving air helps in the migration of flying mammals from colder to warmer region during winter. Strong winds cause soil erosion reducing soil fertility. It can also cause desertification by shifting sand to fertile areas. It increases the rates of evaporation and transpiration in plants. It helps in the dispersal of many seeds, fruits, spores and even some adult animals like winged insects. Hot and dry winds kill the young shoots and damages the buds and fruits.

Without sunlight, photosynthesis could not go on and all life on earth would die and almost all oxygen and nitrogen would disappear from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases would increase and the temperature of the planet would be too high to sustain life.

Plants grow to great height to reach sunlight for survival. Many animals need light to catch their prey and to detect predators. Nocturnal animals develop special adaption to survive in the dark. Nocturnal behaviour, for example, many seabirds and sea turtles attend breeding sites nocturnally to reduce the risk of predation.

For examples, Catfish are a large group of nocturnal scavengers, living at the bottom of shallow waters. It can “walk” on land. When droughts cause shallow ponds to dry up, the walking catfish is capable of travelling across land during the night to move to deeper ponds. It uses its fins and tail to slither across the ground, or “walk”, in search of new water, surviving on oxygen stored in an air chamber in its gill arch.

Bats are extremely well-equipped for nocturnal activity. They fly and hunt by sending out pulsed emissions of high-frequency sounds that are reflected back to their ears enabling them to work out the position and distance of their surroundings. This allows them to navigate in total darkness. Owls hunt tiny prey such as mice in utter darkness with their extremely well developed hearing and eye-sight. It can detect a mouse 600 metres away.

It helps in providing water and minerals as well as site for decomposition to the land plants and animals. If the soil is firm and hard, the large animals inhabiting the ecosystem tend to have small hooves or paws. If the soil is wet and spongy, they tend to have broad hooves or paws.

Atmospheric Gases

The gases present in the atmosphere are chiefly oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen which greatly influence the living organisms. Oxygen acts as a limiting factor in the distribution of animals in water. For example, the Black sea lacks the dissolved oxygen so is devoid of animals, and at higher altitudes of mountains, the oxygen content becomes less and so there is a marked decrease in living organisms (plants and animals).

Too much prevents growth of fresh water organisms and too little prevents growth of salt water organisms. Salt water fish tends to lose water by osmosis due to seawater higher salt concentration than the cytoplasm of animal cells. So it has waterproof closely-fitted scales to prevent moisture loss.
In contrast, fresh water fish cells have higher salt content than the surrounding water. Water will enter these organisms by Osmosis. So fresh water fish have slimy scaly skins to keep water from entering their cells.
The only submerged ocean plants in the current Plant Kingdom are the sea grasses. They provide food and act as habitats for numerous marine animals. They possess remarkable methods of seed dispersal and pollination in a submarine environment of mud, shifting sand and crashing surf. Sea grass salt tolerance is due to their ability to maintain a lower water potential in their cells than the surrounding salt water. They do this by accumulating sodium in the cell vacuoles.
The salt content of the ocean water can be very high and organisms that live in this ecosystem cannot survive in fresh water. Freshwater organisms cannot live in saltwater, because the salt makes fluid leave their bodies.
3. Organisms are interdependent on each other for survivals. Animals and plants depend on a complex system of food for survival. In a typical food web: The sun provides energy for the grass; grasshoppers feed on the grass; birds and frogs eat the grasshoppers; snakes eat birds, frogs and mice; owls and hawks will eat the birds as well as snakes, frogs and mice. When an animal dies, it is decomposed by worms, fungi and bacteria action and nutrients are released to the soil during the decaying process for the grass to use again. Connecting the many plants and animals with lines representing their functions and food chains within this web would create a tangled maze. It is obvious that all forms of life in the ecosystem are dependent on all other living and non-living things for food, nutrients and energy.
4. Animals get energy from the food they eat, and all living things get energy from food. Plants use sunlight, water and nutrients to get energy during photosynthesis. Energy is necessary for living beings to grow. A food chain shows how each living thing gets food, and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to creature. Food chains begin with plant-life, and end with animal-life. Some animals eat plants, some animals eat other animals.
Plants are called producers because they use light energy from the Sun to produce food (sugar) from carbon dioxide and water. Animals cannot make their own food so they must eat plants and/or other animals. They are called consumers. There are three groups of consumers. Herbivores eat only plant products, Carnivores eat other animals and Omnivores eat plants and animals. Then there are decomposers (bacteria and fungi) which feed on decaying matter and speed up the decaying process that releases mineral salts back into the food chain for absorption by plants as nutrients.

Example of Food Chain

All living things need food to give them the energy to grow and move. A food chain shows how each living thing gets its food. The arrow means "is eaten by".

Grass is eaten by Grasshopper is eaten by Toad is eaten by Snake is eaten by Hawk.

Example of Food Web
A food web shows the many different paths plants and animals are connected. eg: A hawk eats a mouse, a squirrel and a snake. The snake eats a mouse and a rabbit and so on for all the other animals in the food chain. It is several food chains connected together.
5. Predators kill for food. They are either secondary or tertiary consumers - eg polar bears, eagles, tigers. Preys are the organisms that predators feed on. Examples of predator and prey species are: fox and rabbit; bird and caterpillar; wolf and lamb.
From the example of Food Web, the snake and mountain lion are predators and the rabbit is the prey.
6. Ecological pyramids are pyramid-shaped diagrams representing quantitatively the numbers of organisms, energy relationships, and biomass of an ecosystem; numbers are high for the lowest trophic levels (plants) and low for the highest trophic level (carnivores). There are three types:

a. Number pyramid
It is easily understood that many grass plants are needed to feed fewer snails on which, in turn, even fewer chickens would be able to feed. This in turn requires only a few people to eat the chickens that ate the snails.

b. Biomass pyramid

This pyramid indicates the total mass of the organisms in each trophic level. The size of the organism is over-emphasized and it can happen that the mass of level 2 is greater than that of level 1, because the productivity of level 1 is not taken into consideration. Thus an enormous mass of grass is required to support a smaller mass of buck, which in turn would support a smaller mass of lions.

c. Energy pyramid
The Energy pyramid indicates the total amount of energy present in each trophic level. It also shows the loss of energy from one trophic level to the next. An energy pyramid shows clearly that the energy transfer from one trophic level to the next is accompanied by a decrease due to waste and the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy and heat energy.
7. A short food chain is better because the amount of energy that is transferred from one link to the next gets lesser and lesser as it goes. There cannot be too many links in a single food chain. Otherwise, the animals at the end of the chain would not get enough food (and hence energy) to stay alive.
8. Most animals are part of more than one food chain and eat more than one kind of food. When a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., movement, digestion, reproduction). Therefore, when the herbivore is eaten by a carnivore, it passes only a small amount of total energy (that it has received) to the carnivore. Of the energy transferred from the herbivore to the carnivore, some energy will be "wasted" or "used up" by the carnivore. The carnivore then has to eat many herbivores to get enough energy to survive.

9. The Carbon Cycle is a complex series of processes through which all of the carbon atoms in existence rotate. This is how carbon atoms move through our natural world.
Plants, animals, and soil interact to make up the basic cycles of nature. In the carbon cycle, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water from the soil to make the substances they need for growth. The process of photosynthesis incorporates the carbon atoms from carbon dioxide into sugars.
The rabbit that eats the plants uses the carbon to build their own tissues. When the fox eats the rabbit, it uses the carbon for its own needs. These animals return carbon dioxide into the air when they breathe out, and when they die the carbon is returned to the soil during decomposition. The carbon atoms in the soil are then used by a new plant or small microorganisms. The same carbon atom moves through many organisms and even end up where it began – the same atoms are recycled.
10. Humans are part of nature and like every other species on earth we depend on the healthy ecosystems for our well being and survival. Nature provides us clean water, food, air, plants and recreational retreats. An intact ecosystems help regulate our weather and climate. However, due to economical and technological progress, man’s activities have created an adverse impact on the fragile ecosystem.

Deforestation has led to the losses of biodiversity. In fact forests are highly responsible in keeping and sustaining global ecosystems. The emissions of carbon dioxide have a great potential effect on global climate through an enhancement of Earth's greenhouse effect. In some cases, indigenous cultures living in the original forest may be displaced by the destruction of their habitat. It is also the home of more than half of all creatures and organisms in this planet. From food to life-saving medicines, forests give mankind a variety of gifts that contribute much to our quality of life. Deforestation is equated to the destruction and extinction of many plant and animal species.

Overfishing is catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation to the system. Overfishing upsets the ecological balance of the oceans.
For example, when sharks are overfished for their fins, it leads to a depletion of the important grazers of plant life. This is because there are fewer sharks to feed on carnivorous fish such as grouper—causing an increase in their numbers and their ability to prey on parrot fishes. The removal of the plant-eating parrot fishes has been partly responsible for the shift of Caribbean reefs from coral to algae dominated.
Every sea creature exists in the food chain as predator, prey, and/or scavenger. Species like tuna and swordfish are top predators. When their numbers are unnaturally depleted, other species replace them, but biodiversity - the number of different species in an ecosystem - is adversely affected. Loss of biodiversity reduces the ocean's ability to produce seafood, resist diseases, filter out pollutants, and rebound from stresses.

Eutrophication is a process where lakes, rivers or slow-moving streams receive excessive nutrients that come from agricultural field fertilizers, erosion soil and sewage treatment plant discharges. The nutrients stimulate excessive algae and nuisance plants weeds growth. Algal blooms limit the sunlight available to bottom-dwelling organisms and cause wide swings in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Dissolved oxygen greatly increases during the day, but is greatly reduced after dark by the respiring algae and by microorganisms that feed on the increasing mass of dead algae. Fish and other marine animals suffocate and especially immobile bottom dwellers die off.

Biomagnification is the sequence of processes in an ecosystem by which higher concentrations of a particular chemical, such as the pesticide DDT, are reached in organisms higher up the food chain, generally through a series of prey-predator relationships.
For example, the grass in a field is sprayed with Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) with each contaminated 1ppm (part per million) of the chemical. An insect eats many such blades of grass and the chemical accumulates in their bodily tissues, leading to a concentration of 10 ppm. A frog eats many such insects, leading to a concentration of 100 ppm. A fish eats many such frogs, leading to a concentration of 1000ppm. A human eats many such fish and the concentration increases further.
This implies that species higher up the food chain, such as humans, are at greater risk from the effects of biomagnification or food pollution. The levels of such toxins are higher in meat than in fruits, grains and vegetables.

11. Biodiversity is the very foundation for all the Earth’s essential goods and services. The air we breathe, water we drink, and the food we eat all depend on the Earth’s rich biodiversity. While plants and animals keep us well fed and healthy, trees play an important role in absorbing greenhouse gases. Through photosynthesis, trees absorb and store atmospheric carbon, helping to combat global warming and purifying the air we breathe. Forests also control soil erosion and purify water.
Every aspect of our life is sustained by the Earth’s biodiversity. Biological resources must be conserved if they are to continue supporting life on Earth. Because when it is gone, dried up and dead, living things may be as well.